Email us or send us a message on our Facebook page! We will get back to you as soon as possible.
A refund may be issued if requested before the stone has been set in the fitting. A refund cannot be granted if requested after the stone is set in the fitting or the inlay is created.
If a refund is requested before a stone is set in the fitting, the customer will be liable for a $15 restocking fee and refunded the difference.
If a refund is requested after the gem is made prior to placement, you will receive the gem created with the DNA and the remainder of DNA unused. You will be liable for shipping fees.
We hold the right to deny a refund to anyone for any reason.
In Memoree Keepsakes is not liable for the permission to use DNA that was wrongfully obtained without permission from the legal owner.
If a piece is damaged, broken, or lost, In Memoree is not liable to replace, refund, or compensate for the purchased piece.